Lemon Law in Orange County and Los Angeles
Are You Stuck Dealing With A Defective Automobile in California?
Have you taken your vehicle to the dealer for repeat repairs? Are you concerned about an unresolved safety concern or an issue that the manufacturer hasn’t been able to fix?
O’Connor Law Group, P.C. knows our clients deserve fair and equitable settlements for the inconvenience of purchasing a defective car in Orange County and Los Angeles.
Our California lemon law attorneys have recovered millions of dollars owed to our clients. We are committed to delegating our clients to enforce their Lemon Law rights.
We have a proven track record of retrieving settlements for defective automobiles all over California.
Contact our California lemon lawyers today at (949) 390-9695 to learn more about what we can do for you.

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Team OLG is a leader in Lemon Law, and we routinely expose the negligence and abusive practices of dealers in order to earn refunds, replacements, and compensation for our clients.
What Does California Lemon Law Cover?
The California Lemon Law is designed to protect consumers by ensuring they receive a working vehicle. It covers new vehicles purchased or leased in the state of California that suffer from manufacturing defects that cannot be easily repaired.
If the car or other vehicle fails to meet these standards due to some mechanical fault, and repeated attempts to repair it have failed, then the consumer has the right to demand a refund or replacement.
The California Lemon Law gives you the right to receive full compensation from either the dealer or manufacturer, including a purchase refund, trade-in allowance or repair of your automobile if it is determined to have been a lemon.
If your car meets some necessary requirements for reimbursement, California's Lemon Law provides an opportunity for you to get back what you paid for with an inoperable car bought from an auto dealer.
What Qualifies for California Lemon Law?
There are certain conditions that must be met for a vehicle to be considered a "lemon" under CA lemon law. Qualifying products must have a “non-conformity” and substantially impair the vehicle’s use, value, or safety that cannot be repaired within an adequate time period.
It must have been within the applicable warrantor’s express warranty as long as it was bought or leased from an authorized dealer and registered in California within 12 months of original delivery.
In addition, the owner of the vehicle must have tried to repair the issue three times and failed, or have had it in service for at least 20 calendar days within the first 24 months (or 18,000 miles) of purchase. If any car meets these requirements it is eligible for legal protection under California’s lemon law.
If it qualifies under the law, consumers can receive replacement vehicle, cash settlement or repairs if they bring their complaint to the auto dealerships where they made their purchase before taking any other legal action.
If you believe you have purchased such a vehicle, legal advice can help you determine if your rights have been violated and what your options may be. Contact our lemon lawyers in California to learn more!
Who Is Covered Under the California Lemon Law?
Protects consumers who purchased or leased a new motor vehicle mainly for personal, family or household purposes.
This includes new vehicles, recreational vehicles, vans, trucks, motorcycles and some business vehicles. It extends to all other vehicles weighing 10,000 pounds or less.
Consumers should be aware that California Lemon Law applies only to vehicles less than four years old at the time of purchase.
If you think your vehicle may qualify under the California lemon law, contact a lawyer right away to determine your best course of action.
If we don't get you a settlement, you pay us nothing.
We guide you through the entire process - from start to finish.
We know how to win.
We have extensive legal & technical knowledge of automotive law.
Team OLG
Whether you purchased a vehicle with a serious warranty defect, or the dealer failed to disclose vital information about the car or your loan, we have the tools and resources needed to help you seek justice.
Team OLG is a leader in Lemon Law, and we routinely expose the negligence and abusive practices of dealers in order to earn refunds, replacements, and compensation for our clients.
Because Team OLG has experience representing both consumers and manufacturers, we have an intimate understanding of the opposition’s tactics and ulterior motives.
Contact Our California Lemon Law Attorneys Today
Are you unsure about your rights under California Lemon Law? Get started with a free case review. We can closely analyze your situation and answer any questions you have along the way.
You won’t need to worry about attorney fees because we charge on a contingency-basis, and Lemon Law compels manufacturers to cover these costs for you. Reach out to us today so we can get started on your case as soon as possible.
Call Us Today! 949-390-9695